Know What They Are Doing and Where They Are!
- Do they have their cell phone password protected?
- Are they texting too much with friends or family?
- Are they sending or receiving inappropriate messages?
- Are they where they should be? Or where they said they would be?
- Are they sending or receiving unacceptable photos or videos?
- Are they talking on the phone when they should be doing something else?
- Do they become upset if you answer their cell phone?
- Do they become defensive if you ask about the above behaviors?
- Answer these questions and more when you begin monitoring your childs cell phone to keep them safe!
How does it work?
Installation is fast and easy. The applications can be installed in the following ways:
- OTA (over-the-air) links that you type directly into the phones web browser.
- Scanning the QR Code of the application using the cell phones barcode scanner.
- Transferring the files from your computer to the cell phone using a USB cable.
- Bluetooth connection.
After the application is installed to the target phone (the phone you want to monitor) information is sent to either your email or cell phone, which ever you entered during installation.
As the events occur on the target phone the information is sent instantly to the email or cell phone you entered during setup, there is no waiting!
Text messages, call recordings, call logs and all other information is available immediately!
Record every phone call
Call recording allows you to record EVERY call that is dialed or received by the target phone. From the moment the conversation begins until the moment both parties hang-up every whisper of their conversation is recorded.
All conversations can be sent to an email address that you designate during installation. Conversations are recorded in popular formats that allow for fast and easy playback on any computer.
Recorded call messages include:
Date of recorded call.
Time call was recorded.
Downloadable audio file.
Size of audio file.
Date and time audio file sent
Recorded conversations can be downloaded and saved to your computer for easy playback on your favorite media player anytime you want.
Read every text message
The ability to read text messages that are sent and received is a very useful feature of the program.
Text messages that are sent or received by the target phone can either be sent to your cell phone or your email address where they can be viewed immediately.
As text messages are sent or recieved from the target phone they are uploaded and transferred instantly. There is no waiting! All text messages are available for immediate viewing regardless if they have been deleted from the target phone.
You will be able to view the text messages EXACTLY as they were sent or received by the target phone.
Text message logs include:
- Entire contents of message.
- Sending telephone number.
- Receiving telephone number.
- Date message sent.
- Time message sent.
Pictures and Videos
See every picture and every video that is taken and recorded on the target phone.
As pictures and videos are taken on the target phone they are instantly sent to whichever e-mail address you designate during installation.
Clear, crisp photos and videos are viewable exactly as they are on the target phone when received in your e-mail. Simply click the link in the e-mail and view the pictures and videos in your favorite picture viewer or media player.
All pictures and videos can be saved to your computer, USB flash drive, DVD or whichever device is most convenient for you.
Call Listening
The Call Listening feature will enable you to listen to a conversation that is taking place on the target phone.
When either an incoming or outgoing call is intiated on the target phone you will be notified with a text message that an event has occured. The text message will contain the telephone number that is being either dialed or received by the target phone. At that point you can dial-in and listen to the conversation on the target phone.
Your connection will continue until either you or the target phone hangs up.
Every conversation can be recorded and saved to your cell phone or email address for later playback on your favorite media player.
Call log viewing
Call logs are also very valuable information when trying to find evidence of what you already suspect. All too often incoming and outgoing call logs are deleted from the phone immediately following the conversation.
The call log application will capture every incoming and outgoing call that occurs on the target phone. Call logs can be sent to your cell phone or email address for immediate viewing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Call log information includes:
- Time of call.
- Date of call.
- Duration of call.
- Contact name (if any stored in phone).
- Phone number dialed.
- Phone number received.
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